Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Jack the Ripper Alien

Jack the Ripper Symbol turned into an Alien.  Original symbol created by me.


the Fly, alien

Based off of the movie The Fly I created this alien.  he is a mix now between FLY , HUMAN, and ALIEN :D  
silly times with coloured pencil ! 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Based off of the movie Aliens ....
my computer illustration

reference - different stance, same alien style .

its official ... i got a tattoo !

... a fake one :)

Guitar picks

Continuous Line

Photoshop noob : Alien!

 The first picture is one someone took of me in 2008, it already looks like an alien ....  so I played with photoshop until I created the Alien face!


I used to paint a lot when I was in high school and i decided to make a solid alien painting ! Bleep Bloop.

Conte Experiment !

big mess with this one but looks odd .  BLEEP BLEEP BLOOP     this one looks pretty friendly to me..

I believe its potpourri

Mmmmm caramel!

typographic alien portrait

Thursday, 10 October 2013

WANTED - Typography poster

Aliens wanted!!! Poster using several different victorian style fonts.  Created on Adobe Illustrator.

Get Well Soon Card!

My boyfriend caught a cold and I didn't get to see him for a week so I made him a get well soon card and gave it to his parents to give to him... Of course it couldn't just be any get well soon card, it had to be an ALIEN card!

Front of the card....

Inside of card: 

YAY they killed the nasty germs ! Bleep Bloop ! 

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

So where do those aliens pee you may ask ?!

Aliens pee here!! 
I created this using adobe illustrator. I created my aliens washroom symbol based off of the image on the left which was taken off of google.  I also downloaded a font called BatmanForeverAlternate for the type.  

Bleep bloop bleeeeeeep. I swear that's my favourite thing to say !


So my grandmother bought me a scrapbooking kit in 2010 and this is the first use I got out of my stamps... Bleep bloop bleep.

ideas and a pencil

5 minutes, one pencil, and ideas of aliens ... this is what i came up with.
start 5:25
end 5:30

Paper cut outs

4 different papers cut out to create alien inside his ship.  Bleep Bloop.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Graph paper alien

Just drawing before dinner, started with filling in one black box, now it's an alien !

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Sock alien

My very first alien post.  It's good thing i collect socks.